Sunday 7 June 2020

Random Reading - #80

The Next World Tarot, by Cristy C Road, seems the most appropriate deck to be using right now. The unsettling dystopian world it portrays. Its stories of resilience and determination.

In order to understand this deck, I'm having to read those stories from the LWB, and it's helping me to see things from a perspective I don't often consciously share.

I'm just going to let the book speak –

Star – "… The Star asks you to search for a reworked goal; a new path, a new commitment, or a personal rebirth with a spirit that carries wisdom from past lives…  The Star is here to remind you that you are now ready to enter a metamorphosis. Rage and healing: meet your highest self..."

10 of Wands – Completion – "Here marks a structure built on blood, sweat, tears, and completion… He asks you to fight for honour and recognition, as it's the safest route to stability after a life of creative chaos."

8 of Wands – Direct Action – "… The 8 of Wands signifies freedom from the limitations of society. He leaps forward, trailblazing a concept, or sacrificing an outdated sense of security, for the sake of sharing his truth. Ignite your saviours as you breathe into your highest self with direct action, mutual aid, and emotional availability…"

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I'll be honest. I almost begged off doing a reading today. I've been all up in my white fragility the past few days. The unaccustomed introspection has been tiring and troubling. But this deck has been sitting on my desk, staring me down, and daring me to push it aside and try to hide.

I'm glad I didn't. I'm amazed yet again at the way the cards always manage to reflect reality. And I'm heartened by the Star heading the spread, with its promise of Hope, Guidance and Healing.

Let's do this.

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