Friday, 29 March 2019

Freebie Friday - #7

*** TAKEN *** 
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Pages of Shustah is a strange deck, with its quirky-cute images in stark primary colours, and its unusual background and concept. Plus it wasn't easy to get a hold of a copy, so I really ought to use it more.

On that note, I would like to get in a bit of practice with it, so if you don't mind being a guinea pig...

The first person to leave a comment* on this post will receive a free card reading**.

* Please comment with your question. You must be 18 or older, and not have had a reading here in the past 90 days.

** I will pull 3 cards for your question and post the reading here on the blog. In addition, I'll take one follow-up question about the reading. I reserve the right to decline a request without explanation.

I bought my copy in 2015, direct from Temple of the Living God's Miracles Bookstore. It's also listed by Morning Light Bookstore but I don't know if that's up-to-date.


  1. Where is my relationship headed? My instincts are telling me something that my friends and loved ones disagree with and I'd like guidance from the cards please!

    1. Dear Nonniemouse,

      You're on. I'll post your reading on Sunday.

      I will need at least your first name, though. Not for the reading, but so that I can keep track of who's had one when. :)

    2. ... Or a nickname, if you prefer. Ta!

  2. Thankyou! It's Nikki :)
