Halfway through my 2nd week of unemployment.
No lying in. I’ve been getting up with hubby every morning at 6:30, getting properly dressed (no trackies and fluffy slippers), sorting out the cat, having breakfast and then setting about Being Productive™ for 5 hours (I used to work 5½).
Being productive amounts to listing things on eBay, doing readings and sharing a few promotional posts on social media (gotta advertise – the 3 people who read this blog aren’t going to keep me afloat 😉).
I feel like I must do this offset the fact that I’m just not ready to look for work yet. If I’m not actively job hunting then I’m not permitted to sit around taking it easy.
I’d finished “work” for today and was having a bite to eat when I got the urge to grab my homemade ‘focus’ cards (à la Cosmic Spirit Tarot). I pulled a card for “something I need to know/do” and another for “something I’m avoiding knowing/doing”.
So naturally, the cards get cute and do a switch on me.
But it’s very telling. I’m going about things arse about face. I need to stop watering down my life with an enforced “work ethic” and, instead, get out and enjoy myself while I have the opportunity.
I’m home every day and I don’t have to do anything. How often have I dreamt of that?! I could do with spending more time with my poor neglected husband for a start. And I don’t know how long this unplanned holiday is going to last. I might buck up soon, hit the Job Centre and suddenly find myself back in harness before I can blink.
Yes, it makes perfect sense. So, will I cut myself some slack? I don’t know, maybe. I’ve never been very good at taking advice, even if the advisers are adorable*.
*Tarot Mondo Lirondo - Iván Saiz Gutiérrez, self-published 2011. Available from Museo del Tarot.
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