The cards were very jumpy today. Even before I started shuffling in earnest I had cards flipping out of the deck. I told the deck to knock it off as I began the “tuning in” shuffle. Ha! Out jumped the Devil, followed shortly thereafter by Protection. After that, the deck settled down. Not to be argued with, I guess.
So, the main theme is protection from evil influences.
As the next card is Support, we can assume that, rather than this being a case of protecting yourself, someone will act to protect you (it’s also #40, the same as this post 🤔). Chance tells us there is an opportunity, or perhaps a risk, and Celebrity refers to your “fame” or good name.
In this deck, for me the Devil usually represents internal or personal negative influences, rather than external (which would be the Dragon or the Witch). So I initially read this as protecting yourself from your own bad habits or attitudes. But, having completed my initial assessment of the cards, things weren’t adding up. So I turned the bottom card - and there she was.
»» Expect a family member or friend to have to stand up for you this week to protect your reputation against someone bent on defaming you. The defamer is likely to attempt to keep their identity well hidden. ««
Horoscope Belline - Grimaud
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