Sunday, 17 November 2019

Random Reading - #60

This week’s RR is brought to you by Linda Goodman’s Star Cards.

Remember Linda Goodman’s “Sun Signs” and “Love Signs” astrology books? In the early 70s, my mother and I both had copies of her Love Signs book, Taurus and Scorpio respectively, and we often shared our thoughts, and a good giggle, over them. When I saw that there was a Linda Goodman deck, I had to get it. The deck is structured on Chaldean numerology.

The theme for this week is 4 Uranus: change and disruption. Much like the Tower in Tarot, the trick to dealing with it is to know it’s coming and plan ahead.

Entitled Discrimination and Analysis, number 25 is also known as Wisdom, and is related to 7 Neptune: mystery and illusions. Remain objective, watch carefully how things play out and call on your experience to see you through the upcoming changes.

14 Movement – Challenge, also known as Fluidity, relates to 5 Mercury: communication and trickery. It's possible for things to go in your favour, but you need to pay attention to what’s being said, remember to use discrimination, and beware of the unexpected.

You’re really going to have to stay on your toes this week.

Bottom card - 29 Grace Under Pressure: remain totally honest in your dealings, despite the possible actions of others, and have faith that everything will turn out all right.

Linda Goodman's Star Cards - text by Crystal Bush, art by Frank Riccio, published by Hampton Roads Publishing Co, 2000.

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