Sunday, 12 January 2020

Random Reading - #65

I discovered the Winter Waite early last year and it made it straight onto my wish list. But then unemployment intervened, and I let it slide. Fast forward to my birthday in November, and I decided to give myself a gift. Only now it’s the Winter Waite 2019, the images have been revised, and it’s even better than before. Result! 😃

I tend to do three cards with Tarot, but spirit wanted five today…

Wow. Two courts and three trumps. Yes, they have been well shuffled.

⁛ Someone is currently being tormented by feelings of righteous indignation. Try to maintain your dignity; keep a cool head. You know the score. The facts will out. Just let things take their course. ⁛

Aren’t those backs to die for? I would love a flannel shirt in that pattern.

The Winter Waite, revised edition 2019, by James Abrams and Christine R Aguiar, available from Tarot Collectibles.

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