Sunday 27 January 2019

Random Reading - #32

I like these little cards, so I'm using them again this week. Same procedure as last week.

LOL! Again the focus card was the very first card turned.

You're going to feel resentment towards someone who gains something you feel should rightly have come to you. Or looked at from another angle, someone feeling resentment towards you will withhold that thing from you.

Either way, it is what it is. Let it go, or deal with the inevitable arguments. You're better off without it, anyway.

G Bris Wahrsagekarten - published by ?? for Allianz

Sunday 20 January 2019

Random Reading - #31

New deck time again. You can safely expect this to happen with some regularity. ๐Ÿ˜

"G Bris Wahrsagekarten"* has 32 cards like most German wahrsagekarten/ fortune telling cards. This one appears to have four "focus" or main significator cards (the deck came with an "intro" but no information about the cards themselves). I shuffled them in, intending to turn the cards one-by-one until I came to the first focus card and then take it and the next three cards for the reading.

Oh dear.

Hiobsbotschaft popped out while I was shuffling and I thought "Hmm", stuck it back in and kept shuffling. I didn't even get to "turn cards". It was the very first card.

Bad news - Court, Police

Expect trouble from official sources. Accusations that will cause difficulties. You may need to contact a solicitor/lawyer.

Bottom card - This could be related to a rental property.

The only reference I can find to a "G Bri" is as one of the stage names of Italian singer/television presenter/journalist Giovanna "Vanna" Brosio. I can't find a connection between her and fortune telling. This deck appears to be a promotional pack for Allianz, a German insurance company.

UPDATE - My friend Dmitry, who is also fortunate enough to have a copy of this deck, informed me that "G Bri" was, in fact, a famous German artist. With that confirmed, I set about searching again but still couldn't get any hits. Then I thought perhaps he's not so famous outside of Germany, so I  tried using German search terms. Adding Kรผnstler (artist) produced a couple of bibliographical references in books dealing with graphic art. Ah ha! Graphic artist = "Grafiker". This netted a German Wikipedia page for graphic artist and caricaturist Gerhard Brinkmann, popularly known as G Bri.

I can sleep peacefully now. Apart from the vague feeling that I've come across that name recently, in connection with something completely different. Sigh.

"PS.: Gut versichert ist jede Zunkunft sicherer. 
Darum: ...hoffentlich Allianz versichert"

PS.: Well insured, every future is more secure. 
Therefore: ...hopefully Allianz insured

Sunday 13 January 2019

Free Reading - for Holly 13Jan19

Holly - your question was "Is the info I'm receiving during meditation from spirit, and therefore accurate answers to my situation, or my wishful thinking?", and you opted for playing cards.

The cards in the initial 'Line of 5' are all positive-leaning. So the quick answer is Yes, they are from "spirit", or at least they're not just wishful thinking.

If spirit is involved, the AH-9C suggests possibly a relative or a long-term personal guide. I'm more inclined to go with the second option.

In the KD-KC-JD I see an energetic person/entity with an "official" remit to assist you, again energetically. The King of Energy advising the Jack, or student, of Energy.

Here's the kicker, though. I always check the bottom card, and this time it's the 9S: Falsehood.

So what do I make of that? Yes, there is spirit involved in the messages you're receiving, but... (and here I pulled another couple of cards for direction: 10C-8D) you may not necessarily always interpret them correctly. Best to use another method - Tarot, for instance, as you're experienced with it - to confirm your impressions.

< < < < < ¤ > > > > >

Thank you, Holly, for giving me this opportunity to read for you today. I hope what I've seen makes useful sense to you. Feel free to ask a follow-up question if needed. Keep up the meditation. ๐Ÿ‘

Friday 11 January 2019

Freebie Friday - #5

### TAKEN ### Check back for the next freebie

No one took me up on my last Freebie Friday offer. Dang, can't even give the things away. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I expect anyone who read the post sensed I probably wasn't in the best frame of mind to do any readings and thought, sensibly, "I'll pass for now, thanks", LOL!

But with the Silly Season safely out of the way, I'm good to go...

The first person to leave a comment* on this post will receive a free card reading**.

* Please comment with your question and tell me whether you'd prefer tarot or playing cards. You must be 18 or older, and not have had a reading here in the past 90 days.

** I will pull 3-5 cards for your question and post the reading here on the blog. In addition, I will answer one follow-up question if needed. I reserve the right to decline a request without explanation.

Monday 7 January 2019

Just because YOU choose to use reversals...

... Doesn't mean we all should.

I've only just gotten around to reading the December edition of the American Tarot Association's "Reflections" e-zine.

One of the articles... ahem, let's just say it rubbed me the wrong way - "More Reasons to Graduate to Reversals in Your Tarot Interpretations.

Graduate? Excuse me?!

I had to comment.

And then I thought it might be worth a post here -
I resent the use of the word "graduate". I've been reading tarot quite successfully without reversals for over 40 years. I have an honorary degree. ๐Ÿ˜‰ My style is cartomantic. Unless I'm using a spread with fixed positions (something I rarely do), I read by placement, proximity, facings, symbolism, etc. All the nuances of any given card, upright or reversed, are available to people who "read cards". If you want to use reversals, be my guest. But do not suggest that I'm lagging behind in any way.
I've got nothing against people using reversals if that's how they roll. Do what works for you. But please don't make out that your tarot is somehow better or more advanced as a result. Just read your damn cards and mind your own business.

Thoughts? (if you dare, LOL)

Sunday 6 January 2019

Random Reading - #30

Thank goodness that's over. Where were we?...

Cards 6 and 11 are the theme of the reading:
Something social to do with work - colleagues, meetings, team work, etc.

Cards 29, 18 and 4 describe the situation:
Effort - Luck, money - Family, home, solidarity

Bottom card 16 is the comment: Time

» Financial success will depend on solid team effort for a sustained period of time. Keep it up, guys.

I've decided to rename this feature "Random Reading" instead of Weekly Reading because I don't post one *every* week. And they won't even necessarily reflect anything that will happen in that particular week. It might be weeks, months, years before it's the right time for the person it's intended for to stumble across it.

Marseille Oracle Cards - Illustrations by Isa Donelli, published by Lo Scarabeo