Thursday 26 July 2018

Well, I've done it now

I listened to my own advice and took the first step towards being an actual Card Reader™, not just an enthusiastic hobbyist. I've inveigled myself 😉 into two free card reading groups.

Yeah, I know. Free readings. But hey, it's a start.

I have worked in free reading groups before, but they were generally thousands of members deep and tended on the whole to be a bit too 'Love and Light' for my taste.

These new groups are quite small and offer straight-up "Get yer cards read here", so I'm hoping to avoid the mad free-for-all (pardon the pun) of the big "psychic circuses".

No, I'm not going to say what or where they are. The purpose of this post isn't to promote myself (maybe later). It's just a bloggy share 'coz I'm quite excited about my baby-steps progress. 😁


  1. Excited to read this post. The card reading sheriff is finally in town.

    1. Hehe. When I read this I had an image of Yosemite Sam wearing a big sheriff's badge and shouting "Draw!". 😉

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yay! Good luck on your endeavors as a card reader! :D I look forward to reading about your reading adventures.

    4. Thank you, Mary. So far it's been veeeery quiet. As in no activity at all in either group. Better than being overwhelmed, I guess, and it's probably just as well, as I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks. Maybe things will have picked up by the time I get back. 😏

    5. Mary, you must have been my lucky charm, because I received my first request yesterday!
