Hey hey! It’s Summer Cold time again!
I keeb sdneezig and mby doez won’d stob dribbig… So I’m just going to take it easy and use my BFF* today.
Slow down. You haven’t got a clear line of sight.
You’re making assumptions without having all the facts.
Take your expectations out of the equation and just let things play out.
*Morgan’s Tarot, aka the Hippy Tarot, created by Morgan Robbins, with illustrations by Darshan Chorpash, self-published in 1970.
This was the second deck I bought, way back when. I could see from the “Who am I?” card on the box that it wasn’t actually a “tarot”, but it intrigued me. And I quickly fell in love with its special brand of anarchic lunacy.
I didn’t realise it at the time, but this is the deck taught me how to use my intuition. No LWB. No meanings, no instructions. You just had to figure it out for yourself.
US Games Systems has reprinted it a couple of times since then - rightly so, in my opinion - so it’s still available if you’re intrigued too.
But, of course, they couldn’t leave well enough alone, so now it comes with a LWB chock-full of “mEaNiNgS”.
Me? I’d throw the book away.
Hi Christine! Thank you, I'm working on it. x