Sunday, 21 July 2019

Random Reading - #49

No RR last week as the previous week's cold was still kicking my butt. And this morning I woke up feeling quite dizzy. Probably an inner ear issue as a result of the cold.

I really want to do a RR. But I’m not sure if I should…

(I figured I’d pull some cards and just see if I got gibberish. I didn't.)

You’re unable to make progress on your own. There is someone who sincerely has your best interest at heart and wants to help. You will succeed if you allow them to help you.

There’s also a strong indication of an impending marriage.

The deck is the Tarocco Indovino, designed by Sergio Ruffolo and published by Dal Negro. The meanings are heavily based on those published by Etteilla in 1785. I saw someone using this deck about a week ago, and I’ve been wanting to dust off my copy ever since. Etteilla-based decks are the only ones I read with reversals. None today, though.


  1. Impending marriage? Oh dear! but the beginning very interesting Thank you Judy

    1. The marriage bit was clearly meant for someone else, I'm sure. 😉
