Sunday, 9 February 2020

Random Reading - #68

I've finally printed, cut out, laminated*, and trimmed all of the cards from Wayfinder Tarot's free "Altar to the Soul Oracle" deck that I shared a week and a bit ago. Now to put it to work.

I pulled the top card to set the theme, and the pair below to speak to it.

We have a situation of something endlessly repeating, without, I feel, ever reaching fulfilment. You need to come up with a new plan of action. Not necessarily throwing away everything you've already done, but taking what you've learned so far and using it to make some fundamental changes to your approach.

Bottom of the deck card – Doorway/Key: This way lies the Breakthrough.

Make what you will of the obvious sexual imagery in both of those two central cards. Actually, all of them are a bit that way. 😉

*I don't have a laminator. I use an iron. 🙂 For this project, I cut each sheet into four pieces, each one big enough to accommodate one card. I then took a "sandwich" and placed it on the ironing board, covered with a handkerchief (any cloth thin enough to see through will do; it helps to be able to see what you're doing). Pre-heat the iron (for me, it works best with my iron set between the wool and cotton settings; ymmv), and once it's good and hot, position it over half the card and slowly press towards the outside of the sandwich, then repeat in the other direction. I highly recommend you practice on some scraps to get a feel for how much pressure is needed (not too much, I've found, or it warps the card), and what temperature and speed works best.


  1. It's fun to see these cards in action. Thanks

    1. I'm really taken with the images and the keywords. I can see me using these quite a bit.
