Sunday 26 August 2018

Reading for the Week Ahead - #15

Call them out.

Someone is having problems with a colleague at work (could be male or female). One of those people who likes to gossip, throw shade and generally cause trouble. They're causing a fair amount of aggravation and stress, and have probably been doing so for some time.

It's crunch time. Are you going to confront them about their unhelpful behaviour? Are you going to have a quiet word with the boss, or call for an entire team meeting to clear the air?

It's time to say something to somebody about it.

Langustl Tarot - Stephan Lange
Skatkarten - German playing cards (find out more here)

Saturday 25 August 2018

New and Improved. Well, New.

I'm going to be trying a new format for my weekly readings.

I'm bored with the Colour Focus readings. I need a change. Apologies to anyone who considers them the highlight of their week. 😏 I can always post one for you sometime if you ask.

The new spread will consist of one tarot major* and three playing cards. The major (I want to call it a trump but that word has been sullied) will show the overall theme or advice and the playing cards will give us the details. Actually, I was doing something similar to this on Instagram last year.
(*22 Oct 18 - I'm just re-reading this and realising that I'd completely forgotten that I was only going to use majors. Luckily, my cards have a better memory than I do. Out of the 8 readings to date, only one of them wasn't a major. Gotta love it.) 

I anticipate these readings will be more predictive than the Colour Focus ones, which looked at the general energies influencing the coming week.

This does mean that fewer people are likely to relate to the readings, which is unfortunate. On the other hand, it does make a "hit" all the more meaningful. And it makes the whole process a bit more meaningful for me.

I do hope you'll get something out of them, even if it's just an insight into how I go about reading cards.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Tom Benjamin (YouTube) - For beginners, 3 cards are better than 1

Tom Benjamin produces excellent YouTube videos on a range of cartomantic subjects.

Here he talks about something I've always believed myself - it's better/ easier for beginners to practice with three cards than just one. And he offers a very effective method for validating a reading. How do I know it's effective? I tried it. And the results were so good I'll be using this technique in future.


Sunday 19 August 2018

Colour Focus for the Week Ahead - #14

Need to make an apology? Chocolate makes everything better. 🍫

It should come as no surprise that I just happen to have chocolate truffles sitting around ready for a photo op. 
» Don't beat yourself up over an indulgence. You needed it at the time, now move on.
» Forgiving yourself or someone else will improve your physical well-being.
» Coral at our local café makes lovely brownies! Coincidence? I think not.

We all know the health benefits, and pitfalls, of chocolate, so I won't even go there.

Red coral is a powerful protective amulet.

Tarot cards 5 and 6 are the Hierophant and the Lovers. Looks like there might be a marriage on the horizon. I recommend a chocolate wedding cake. 😉

I'll be honest, guys. I'm getting a bit bored with these colour readings now. I think I'm going to have to change things up a bit. There might be another "special offer" coming soon.

The Secret Language of Color Cards - Inna Segal
The Color Mage Oracle - Bernard Charles

Sunday 5 August 2018

Colour Focus for the Week Ahead - #13

Lighten up.

» For those of you in new relationships, don't strive for True Romance too quickly. Just enjoy it right now and have fun.
» Giving yourself permission to do the things you enjoy and to be happy is an easy self-love option.

In Tarot, 17 is The Star, which represents hope, healing and assistance.

Speaking of having fun, I'm going to be away on holiday for a fortnight, ⛺ so no Colour Focus next week. And with little or no internet access, not much contact of any kind. Missing you already!

The Secret Language of Color Cards - Inna Segal
The Color Mage Oracle - Bernard Charles